So, a typical first-post title. But this is probably not going to be your average blog. I plan to post reference photos, studio updates and maybe some tutorials here, in conjunction with my YouTube account. Are you with me?
Because every post needs a photo..
2/19/2013 06:15:18 am

Is jack schleich? He looks like the retired schleich Shetland pony.

2/20/2013 02:02:42 am

Nope, he isn't. He is some random 'Made in China' thing, but I think he's probably a copy of the old Schleich Shetland pony mold.

2/20/2013 03:31:52 am

Aww! Well he's so sweet and I love his show name!
One other thing, what do you make your bits out of? I'm currently using tiny black beads but they don't look as good as yours.
I absolutely love your tack by the way!


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    About ME!

    My 'artist name' is StarPinoful - this is because I used to ride a little white pony called 'Pino'. My record of falls in one one lesson on him (or off him?) was 8!

